Why ARVEA Nature?


Why ARVEA Nature?

Internationally, ARVEA Nature is now the first Tunisian and Arab brand and the second African brand operating in the direct selling industry. It has succeeded wherever it has been established, becoming the number one direct selling company in Tunisia, number one in Algeria, and in the top three in Côte d'Ivoire in less than a year.

Since its establishment in 2013, ARVEA Nature has been working to offer everyone the opportunity for social recognition, financial freedom, and well-being.

It is a socially responsible company that formulates and markets four product ranges: Natural Cosmetics, Makeup, Perfumes, and Dietary Supplements, which are unique and authentic, based exclusively on Argan oil and Aloe Vera.

Its exclusive concept encourages entrepreneurship and is based on the retail direct selling of its products through individuals called "Partners" .

All our establishments are modern, with innovative and avant-garde management systems. Furthermore, we constantly strive for improvements in logistics, product quality, and the services provided to our collaborators.

If the brand has been successful and continues to evolve, it is due, among other reasons, to its high-quality products that have already proven their worth to end consumers, as well as its MLM business model, which provides legitimacy and strong arguments.

Through this innovative marketing model, ARVEA Nature provides its partners with all possible keys to success, supporting and helping them achieve their goals:

  • An excellent price-to-quality ratio, striking a good balance between high quality and affordable prices.

  • A wide target audience due to the accessibility of the products and their diverse range of applications.

  • High repurchase frequency, achieved through the development of products with regular consumption.

  • A balanced compensation plan that allows partners and their teams equal opportunities for success and financial freedom.

  • An original and well-founded compensation plan that allows even the smallest partners to start earning and pursue their dreams and ambitions.

  • Stable commissions made possible through the rigor of the compensation plan, the frequency of product purchases, and the ongoing marketing and sales actions provided by ARVEA Nature's administration to maintain sales momentum.

  • The brand's aspirations provide it with trust and longevity potential among its partners. ARVEA Nature plans to expand to 50 new countries by 2026, across all continents, aiming to be among the best MLM companies worldwide.

  • The dream is at the heart of the ARVEA Nature brand. It all started with the founder, Sadok LARIBI, who always believed in human potential and its ability to evolve. Like any innovative project, the beginnings were challenging and required many sacrifices and struggles. The brand's success is a testament to the founder's profound trust, first in himself, and then in the human will to improve their quality of life.

It is an inspiring story that spreads hope and teaches leadership.

  • The brand's values are the essence of its existence. They permeate its activities, objectives, and compromises. These values are continuously nurtured and passed on to new generations. Nothing great can be accomplished in a company without values.

  • An efficient administration that always listens to its partners and places them at the center of its managerial approach through:
    "Building days" organized to foster a sense of belonging ;

    - Training programs provided to promote personal development, sales skills, and group animation ;

    - Periodic recognition and appreciation events to motivate partners and inspire them for new achievements ;

    - Various challenges rewarded with high-end trips ;

    - Information technology and audiovisual support, such as product presentation videos, usage instructions, and performance data ;

    - A data-driven approach adopted by the brand, utilizing advanced information systems to provide partners with various statistics and analytical information to strengthen trust and authenticity in their collaboration.

  • A strong infrastructure that meets the needs of the business. ARVEA Nature owns the largest logistics center in Africa (12,000m²), which is among the largest in the world.

«The continuity and success of the ARVEA Nature company depend on the continuity and success of its partners.»  Sadok LARIBI.

Our values and our ethical charter

Giving equal importance to growth, processes, and people is essential to generate maximum value and ensure long-term sustainability in the face of new economic and societal challenges.

Based on deep reflections, the brand has identified five values:

  • Authenticity: ARVEA Nature is natural, genuine, and without artifice. It focuses on the essentials.

  • Generosity: ARVEA Nature rewards efforts, shares knowledge, gives time, and redefines failure. It embodies the generosity and dream that inspired its creation.

  • Ambition: ARVEA Nature does not settle for dreaming or making others dream. For ARVEA Nature, the dream begins to come true from its inception.

  • Creativity: ARVEA Nature creates a unique model of social success. It is a true launchpad for leaders.

  • Empathy: ARVEA Nature lives through its partners. It recognizes them, supports them, and encourages them.

These are the values we aspire to and try to convey day after day. They have served as guiding principles for all decisions, actions, and behaviors since our inception. The same applies to our "Ethical and Conduct Charter" which aims to implement professional rules jointly applied by ARVEA Nature and its partners in their business activities and the ultimate satisfaction of consumers.

It specifies the conditions for independent entrepreneurs' involvement, the loyalty of their behavior towards consumers, and the provisions for improving service quality for the end customer.

ARVEA Academy:

In 2021, a new vision was born through an ambitious partnership between the two most important entities of the ARVEA group: ARVEA Nature and MLM Academy.

MLM Academy is a training and consulting firm specializing in human capital development and assisting companies in creating the best conditions for change.

ARVEA Academy is a training program that offers a curriculum developed by a specialized scientific committee. It provides an innovative and well-thought-out project exclusively for ARVEA Advisors, aiming to be the best in Africa and the Arab world. The program addresses the real working conditions and concerns faced by Advisors in the industry in general.

This is an ambitious program that aims to create professional networkers capable of achieving personal and collective success.

The scientific committee of ARVEA Academy emphasizes the importance of investing in personal and collective training, which is a necessary and sufficient condition for success in the journey of a networker.

«The success of this project depends on the commitment, concentration, and value that learners bring to these training programs.»  Sadok LARIBI.